Saturday, February 1, 2025
This Month is 30 Years Since My Allergic Reaction
This month, I am not sure what day, is 30 years since I had a major allergic reaction to 10-15 different medication I was taking at the time for my disability. It turned out it was mainly one, Navane, that caused the allergic reaction. I remember my jaw locked to the right for half the day. I was in 7th grade middle school with my dad in the lunchroom when it happened. I remember my jaw slowly moved back and forth from the center to the right several times until it stuck. My dad rushed me back home (we lived at Buckner Baptist Children's Home at the time, now Buckner Orphan's Home), and got mom, and we hurried to the hospital. I remember getting a shot of Benadryl and was put into a hospital bed quickly. I took off most of my clothes because my body was incredibly hot. It took a long time for me to fall asleep. Once I did, and then woke up, other family members were there with me. I was 13, and all that medication and allergic reaction could have killed me. I really feel like I got a second chance at life after that. I feel like I did die for a little bit, and then I was revived. After that allergic reaction, I was taken off prescribed medication for my disability permanently. Ever since I have been off medication like that, I think my mind became clearer and I was able to finally think for myself. I became my own person with my own feelings and thoughts after after so many years. The rest of middle school for me was fantastic. Then high school became better. 5th grade of elementary school was the first time when I had a teacher who believed in me and always tried to keep the kids from doing anything. He was a fantastic teacher. I remember also being put in a seclusion closet during my early years of school, probably before elementary school. I feel the kids beating me up, bullying me and the stress of that and mental health professionals not knowing what to do with me compounded to make that allergic reaction happen. My childhood dealing with mental health professionals and kids beating me up, bullying me and making fun of me was like a real life Escape from New York for me. I am so glad that I had my parents Susan, my dad Tim, and my older brother Bryan (53 right now) to help and support me during those stressful, troubling, and trying times for me. I love, adore, and cherish all of you. Amanda has also been great for our family, and I am glad that we helped her get through troubling times in her life too. Thank you for being in this family.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Today is 10 Years for this Channel mrblacksmoviereviewsClassics
Today is 10 years for this channel This is also my Facebook group I am incredibly proud with this channel. Me and Mr. Black were close friends. I remember chatting with him on BlogTV. I never got to know his real name, but I am still very happy to have known him. I am glad that the videos that I have uploaded are getting a lot of views. Over the years, I have gotten movies that he reviewed for my collection. Thank you Mr. Black for being my friend. I have made many new friends with this channel. I appreciate all of you for watching this channel and videos.